Hive Assembly & Treatment Instructions
Paradise Langstroth Poly Hive Instructions
Assembling the Paradise Honey Langstroth Bee Box - Via YouTube With Kind Thanks to Devon Beekeeper!
YouTube Video
Information on the Paradise Honey Bee Boxes HERE from the manufacturer
Paradise Honey bee Box Manual HERE
Paradise National Poly Hive Instructions
National hive assembly instructions HERE
Information on the Paradise Honey Bee Boxes HERE from the manufacturer
Paradise Honey bee Box Manual HERE
Honey Paw Hives and Honey Paw Nuc Assembly Instructions - HERE
Cedar Hive Instructions - HERE
Oxuvar Varroa Treatment
Instruction LeafletHERE
MAQS Treatment
Instructions and FAQHERE
General Equipment Advice
Should I paint my hive and feeder?
Before being taken into use it is essential the hive components are painted. This prevents the growth of algae on the outside of the hive, deterioration by UV and in the case of the feeder is required for sealing and ease of cleaning.
We recommend the floor and roof are fully painted on all surfaces but the brood chamber and supers need only be painted on the outside. Ideally two coats of paint should be applied, though one will suffice.
The feeder
The feeder has varying opinioin on whether it requires additional painting on the inside, where the syrup sits. It is personal preference, however some customers dont like the bees to eat directly from a painted surface.
We would recommend painting inside -and if you do, then at least 3 coats are required if you decide to do so. The interior "walk-way" the bees climb up through does not need painting but the surface the bees walk down to reach the syrup benefits from a light roughening with fine sandpaper to help the bees grip. If you have strong fingers the hard plastic edges can be slid off prior to painting for a neater finish. Water based exterior smooth masonry paint is recommend for all surfaces other than the inside of the feeder.
This is quick drying and easily applied with a 4" wide fleece roller and a ½" brush for the fiddly bits. We have found Dulux Weathershield Smooth Masonry paint is an excellent choice. This paint contains an acrylic resin and gives excellent coverage and wear characteristics. Woodland Pearl No 1 in the Tailor Made range of this paint is an excellent matt green that suits the hives well. We used to recommend Cuprinol Garden Shades but it is not very hard wearing and we feel the extra durability and better coverage of the Dulux paint is worth the extra cost. One litre will be sufficient for two hives with supers although you will find you probably have to buy 2.5 litres. There is a school of thought that supports painting the hive components different colours so the bees can recognize their own hive better, but unless you have a large number of hives in the apiary this would not be economic.